Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Year and an Idea

Goodness gracious! It has been too long since I posted here. My deepest apologies for my absence. I could blame it on the fact that I stopped posting after I became employed again and had far less free time in my life, but I just have to say it was really the alien abduction that took me away…OK. It wasn't. I'm just making excuses.

So, it is 2010. A new year. A fresh start. Exciting beginnings. It is time to roll out the New Year Resolutions. Or maybe not.

Generally speaking, I am more of a year round “embrace change as I am inspired/required” type as opposed to a “fill up the resolution mobile to overflowing and run it on high until I run out of gas and desert the vehicle for another year” type.

I can say that would like to make the change to be a better, more consistent blogger, and to that end I am introducing to you an idea that has simmered on my mental backburner for the past year: The 52 Blessings Project.

I am not sure of the origin of this concept, so I am unable to credit the proper person or site. The idea is simple: once a week, focus on something in your life for which you are grateful, and write about it. You don’t have to pen a novel, and you don’t have to have a photo that illustrates the point. The idea is to just look for the good in your life and recognize it.

Sometimes you may feel you have to search very hard for just a tiny nugget, other days you may find your proverbial cup overflows. It all comes down to your perspective (I know, I keep pressing that point, here, here, and here ) and how you choose to live your life. If you’ve read me at all, you know that I am all about joy and love and laughter and families and faith and all that is good in this world, and making the best of what we have and where we are.

If you would like to share your blessings, I invite you to do so in the comments. The more the merrier, I say. Thank you for joining me!


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