Saturday, March 19, 2011

Five minute Friday-On Waiting

I know it is Saturday, but I just found this great site-The Gypsy Mama-and her Five Minute Friday challenge. Every Friday she gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . .

Waiting. We wait on so much. Doctors. Family. Friends. Waiters. Ourselves. God. Those last two are especially difficult. Why are we waiting on ourselves, and why am I waiting on God? Why am I not just moving forward, trusting Him to guide my steps if I just listen? I have struggled a great deal over the last several years, as I went through several job changes, including unemployment. I have been praying to be led to my true purpose, but have not yet heard my answer.

This morning I had to laugh, mostly in embarrassment, because while I prayed I became impatient. I did some railing. "God! What is it that you want from me? I'm here. I'm ready. I am definitely not using the talents and tools you have given me where I am now. I want to help folks. Tell me how to get there, because I just don't know where I am going and I am not feeling particularly useful or helpful or appreciated where I am now!"

A funny thing happened. I felt compelled to stop praying and waiting and start writing. Right then. Right this minute, Kimberly Ann. So I did. Hours passed. I posted to my blog for the first time in over a year. I felt like finally I had come up for air, like the purpose finally fit.

Oh. Right. What's one of the questions I have been asking others, but haven't really been able to answer myself? "What is it that you do, that when you do it, time just flies, and it doesn't even feel like work?" Oh. That would be writing on my blog. That's what I call a Whack on the Side of the Head from God. It's an ouchy in a good kind of way.
Whew. Done. Ok, I used a few extra seconds.

Beyond the five minute deadline:
In the interest of transparency, I have to admit that after I wrote the first few sentences I was drawn to copy part of an email I had sent to my daughters this morning. Consequently, this was not written completely from scratch in five minutes. Isn’t it funny that when we write that sometimes the words and message head off in a direction that we did not anticipate or intend? That’s one of the things about writing that I love: I am just never really sure of the message until the post is finished, even though I have an end in mind when I begin.


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